Friday, July 06, 2007

The Old Man And The Sea

This post is dedicated to ma dear Pranay...just for shaking me out of my holiday slumber...but other guyzz here...don't blame me if I sound like one bachelor of social service...the book I am talking about is a must read.The summary might be a bit overboard,but thazzz me.

The old man and the sea is a Nobel-prize winning novel written by ERNEST HEMINGWAY. It is a story of a strange old fisherman whose hard-earned fish gets ruthlessly eaten by sharks.

The storyline of the novel is so deceptively simple that an amateur reader cannot resist but doubt the wisdom behind awarding it a Nobel-prize.It is only when we deeply turn on our much needed critical faculties that we get to explore the finesse of the novel.

The author, as I opine, portrayed a very serious social holocaust in the most simplest of the styles.The responsibility of probing into the inner spheres of the immensely metaphorical novel is cleverly left to the wisdom of the reader.

My version of the summary is, that the old man actually ,represents a influentially weak but potentially able section of the society.The old man is described as strange because of the immense mental stability he displays in times which seem to be the epitomes of hard luck and hostility.This virtue unwittingly plonks itself into the armour of the aforementioned class of people during their fight for self-upheaval. The cramping of his left hand portrays the economical cramping pretty archetypal of their daily lives.

The giant fish he baits refers to the result of their hardwork, the very thing they deserve, had life been a fair dice. But just as the food in the hand of a poor guy,is often looted horridly on its way to his mouth,the fish gets eaten by the sharks.The sharks bank upon the inability of the old man to resist the attacks causal of his physical weakness,just as the blacker sections of the society bank upon the economical weakness of the other sections.The skeleton of the giant fish is the novel counterpart of the horrible truth that always stares right in the face of a poor lad.The inevitable truth that there will be nothing but the carcass of his hardwork that’ll remain till the end.

Friday, March 23, 2007

India...Cricket...Aggu...and Sachin Tendulkar :P

The World Cup, coming as it does every four years, offers an occasion for the full flow of adrenaline in ur bodies. I reference my life with each World Cup, reflect on how things were with me when the last one was played and reassess how they are now. Do you do that? If you are a true fan, I think you would. It’s just one of those intersections between sport and life that is so much part of being a fan.

Yeah..I do that...I have been doing that..and I will do that.I have innumerable,but crystal clear memories of India's cricketing history.Here,I will jot down the WC ones only though.It all started from a cricket loving father asking his 3 year old son to watch,a blazing...,I remember it to be one,knock by Sachin Tendulkar,bellowing with ecstasy every time the ball hits the boundary,pushing more popcorn into the overflowing mouth.I didn't know then,neither did my father,nor did Sachin Tendulkar,nor did the guy who manufactures the popcorn,that there were lot more things to follow.None knew that Sachin would turn into Sir Sachin Tendulkar, that I will turn into THE cricket buff,in an already-cricket-frenzy family living a cricket worshipping country,that the popcorn wud b replaced by chips,coke tins and all.All that I could gather then was,shout at the pitch of ur voice everytime papa shouts,raise ur hand up in the air with the fist clenched tight,and ofcourse,push more popcorn into ur mouth.

I still regret for not being able to catch even a glimpse of the 1992 world cup.I regret for not being my brother,who landed upon this world,while my mom was watching the 1987 Reliance World Cup. Never mind...I proved myself later on.

I watched the 1996 world cup,match after match,ball after ball.I understood the game completely by then.I could easily tell what wides were,what a well left shot was,and stuff.But couldn't predict a soon to follow cyclestand collapse.I was betting hard,with every1 in our family,that India wud win the semifinal.I got up and went to the toilet.My uncle was applauding for a boundary.By the time,I returned...everything was out of hand.I still remember the situation,Sachin was runout for some bullshit lack of coord.... My uncle was leaving for his home,following a batting collapse.I was sitting just there,jlt,not sure if I can cry.But,I felt an acute pain,something that did fit well into the sudden silence,our house has thrown itself into.

Then,there is this 1999 world cup.All my bets on India.Again THE SACHIN TENDULKAR PHENOMENON,the maestro had to attend his father's funeral.And,the rest is history...Never mind...It happens...I started understanding thes lines by then.India left early in the tournament,but then they could achieve one rare thing,they made ME cry.Ofcourse,only they could achieve it many times later.

Flash...flash...the 2003 world cup,by this time,my cricket knowledge was,I believed,to be greater than any of the cricketing greats :P.That was thoroughly an overstatement,but then the enthusiasm has reached its teens.The cricket fan in me was in outstanding form.He discussed abt Great Batch with his best fren Shaily.He bunked his classes,only to watch India win a test match.Sounds pretty normal heh...But then he watched the entire 5th day,standing outside a medical shop,in hot,tiring conditionsWatching ball after ball..And many expected,it was THE SACHIN TENDULKAR PHENOMENON again.I still remember the agony causal of every Ricky's six hurting me deep.I can recall the moments of anguish,with tears dropping from my eyes,following Sachin's dismissal.By then,I thought I was a mature cricket fan,that I would never cry after losing a match.But for these peurile emotions...I could not sleep that night...But then,it just happens,that was wat I said 2 myself.Maturity...or defence mechanism..or whatever.

Enter 2007 worldcup,I bet on India and THE SACHIN TENDULKAR PHENOMENON again.

P.S:Sorry,the post was a bit too long.But then,there are three world cups.

Current Location:Teja's room
Current Music:Chinnamma chilakamma(Meenaxi)
Current Mindstate:Excited for today's match.